If you start a blog then this article is for you Don't do this mistakes in blogging and some of the common mistakes done in blogging.
Common Problems for Bloggers

In this article, you will know about the common problems that are happening for every newly started blog or beginners of the blogger. Here we will see a brief about the common problems when blogging.
What are your common problems when blogging?
1. Free Domain
2. Free Hosting
3. Not Consistency
4. Quick Quit
5. Not a Good Appearance
Free domain

Some of the new bloggers buy a top-level domain free of cost in the untrusted sites that they don’t know about it. After one year, they suffer when renewing or transferring the domain.
Before starting a blog, you will buy a top-level domain in the sites like Godaddy, Namecheap, and some of the trusted sites.
Free Hosting

Some of the beginners in the blogging platform interested to do a blog on the WordPress site. But if you use WordPress you need web hosting. Then only you are able to work within WordPress.
For hosting, beginners are buying free web hosting and use it for blogging. After buying the hosting, some of the hosts are not good and the loading speed of your site is very slow.
For Example: When some of the new visitors came to your site, your site loading fast means then they bounce back. It leads not to rank in the search engines.
When you are providing high-quality content in your blog, it is important to host your site. Then only the user gets to experience (Fast Loading Pages) on your site.
Not Consistency

The important thing in blogging is consistency. If someone wrote articles and publishes them regularly from the beginning stage. they will succeed in blogging. But some of the new bloggers have no idea to Get the unique article for their blog niche.
There are so many sources that you were getting content on the internet. Make the content readability and SEO friendly with consistency then you will succeed.
Learn New Things

If you are a beginner this paragraph is mainly for you, because in the beginning stage you have no idea about the SEO, content, and strategies in blogging. Don’t lose your hope learn new things that help you to grow.
This was the main mistake while blogging. learn new things from your competitor's website or related to your niche website you may get hundreds of ideas from them.
Quick Quit

If a new blogger posting a few articles and they depressed doing the blogger because of their blog not getting views for the posts. So they delete those posts and quit the blog.
Before you delete those posts think about it and the success of the blogger is many. If they thought to quit the blog means we may not get unique and useful articles from them.
So work regularly in your blog with the right niche and write unique articles.
Not a Good Appearance

Some of the new bloggers have no idea to customize their blog with a Good appearance but it is more important for a blog.
Many of the sites provide free blogger templates without copyright; you may download use for your site.
When you have a website or blog you may need a good appearance for the users. If your site looks more attractive with the easy navigation button means, new users can spend more time in your blog which decreases your bounce rate and also rank your website in the google search engine.
Here, I told you that the common mistakes while blogging. And you may find these problems with your blog means then correct them with the help of this article.
This article will help you to know about common mistakes done by a blogger, that will learn to don’t do these mistakes.