In this article, I explained how to get traffic to your blog for free and the best ways for beginners to get traffic. To know more visit our blog.

Hello everyone, In this article
How many views per day is good for a blog to have?
Many of the experts in the bloggers say that a blog would
get 4000 views per month. In a day a blog should get 140 views then only the
blog has to get reach and also good.
How to get more views on blogger
Here I will tell you the best way to get more views on bloggers. You can use this method to get traffic for your blog for free.
- Medium
- Quora

Medium is an
online magazine and also a blogger platform. whereas many of the articles
published day by day. It used to get knowledge and also drive traffic for your
How to use
Medium to promote your blog?
In the
medium, you can promote your blog posts and articles.
You may think
that republishing original articles in the medium occurs in duplicate?
while you are importing a story from your original content
it will create a canonical tag that indicates to google it was content posted on the particular website.
How to import your blog post into the medium?
Before upload a blog post in medium, you need an account with the medium. After creating an account in the medium, you are able to import your blog posts in the medium.
When you click the profile image you may see the options like Write a story,
stories, stats. You are able to write a new story in the medium also. But if
you want to import your original content then Import a Story in the medium.
After importing your story, you are able to change the featured image
and title. The important is to add the tags to your posts then only if people
search the topic your article will rank on medium as well as search engines.

Pinterest is an
image-sharing platform. which helps you to bring a huge amount
of traffic to your business/website.
Many of the users are able to promote their business through
Pinterest like affiliate marketing, content marketing and sales.
How the Pinterest works?
In a pin, you can able to add the link to your site that makes you bring the traffic from Pinterest. Most of the beginners in blogging don’t know about Pinterest.
I will tell you a secret about how to create an attractive and
clickable pin for your Pinterest account.
How to create an attractive pin for Pinterest?
Canva is the best online design tool which makes the work easy and
also simple. Then the output of the design is awesome.
It gives the best experience to the users and there are so many
copyright-free images are available in it.
In canva, you can access the copyright-free images website like pixabay and pexels.
If you haven’t an account in canva, signup now and get free templates for your blog images as well as pinterest pins.
Quora is the forum,
where you can get ideas and also you can spread your ideas to others with their
policy. You may get thousands of content ideas that help you to grow in content
Is Quora account free?
Yes, the quora account is free. you no need to pay for using quora. And also you will learn all category niches which makes you increase your knowledge ass well.
How do I promote my blog on Quora?
If you have an account in quora then only you are able to promote
your blog or the blog posts in quora.
By answering the questions and also you may create space to
promote your content in the forum.
For example:
If somebody asks a question related to your niche. you can answer the questions and add your blog post as hyperlink or blog link in that article.
How do bloggers get paid?
Bloggers get paid by advertisements and affiliate
marketing. some of the bloggers can earn money through the paid reviews for some
They are so many ways to earn money from the blogger.
In this article, you will learn about how to promote your blog posts and how to get more views on the blogger. Many of the new bloggers will get an idea about to get more views on the blogger or website.