Find the best job template for a blogger! Choose from engaging blogger templates for job sites and job blogs. Create a professional job website Today!
Hello Guys! Welcome to the Free Blogger template Series. In this article, we'll discuss various job portal templates for bloggers to help make your job portal blog look good.
What should we need to Look for in a Job Portal Blogger Template
I’ll share a tip about what people will look for in a job template and the extra features available in a job blogger template.
When it comes to a blogger template, there are different layouts available for blogs like personal blogs, education blogs, affiliate marketing blogs, and so on.
For a job blog or website, people need to find the information they are searching for.
For example:
If a person searches XYZ company for content writers with a minimum year of experience. He/she will first look at the homepage of a particular job blog, then it should present the latest job opening news and User-friendly with simple UI for them.
Let us discuss each of the job template for blogger in-depth analysis. Let's get started on the topic.
Best 12 Job Template for Blogger free download
1. Job Portal Blogger Template
It looks like a blog post website template. But it will appear as a job portal template. At the top of the template, you can add multiple sections and also build icons with the Title and description. It looks impressive to the visitors.
Also, you can able to add popular posts at the top as well as a particular post at the top of the home page. This will help the visitors to know which posts are getting trending on this blog right now!
Some of the features for the job portal blogger template were Social Buttons, YouTube embedded Videos at the right bar, Popular Posts, Adsense Ads friendly, and So on. On every post bottom, there is a box which contains the author name and blog description.
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Analysis for Job Portal Blogger Template:
2. Sora Jobs template
This template is simple and good-looking with no extra scripts or any other animations present on this Sora job blogger template. In this Job blogger template, You can add two sides of content as well. You can place AdSense ads at two sidebars of the content.
Some of the other features were social icons, popular posts, Latest posts & Tags widgets on the left and right bars.
ScreenShots for Desktop and Mobile View
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Analysis for Sora Jobs Blogger Template
3. Jobex Blogger template
Personally this Jobex Blogger Template is one of the most impressive and good-looking compared to other job portal blogger templates.
I’ll say the reason also because in this blogger template, you can see the position of vacancies through the numerical and also navigate to the particular positions.
ScreenShots for Desktop and Mobile View
Analysis for Jobex Blogger Template:
4. InJob Blogger Template
InJob Blogger template looks simple and has a User-friendly UI. So, visitors can navigate easily through this job template. This template also has 100% SEO with trust and safety. You can check the analysis links in the table below.
In Homepage of the InJob Blogger Template, there are some sections available like Trending Now section, Recent Job section, Latest Result section, Latest Admit Card section, Latest Admission section, Latest Syllabus section and Latest Answer key section.
This section will help you to categorize your post with your respective labels.
ScreenShots for Desktop and Mobile View
Analysis of the InJob Blogger Template
5. Jobs Business Blogger template
This Jobs Business template looks like a single web page and also there is a job search available on the homepage.
Also if you see the Naukri Job portal template, the Indeed Job portal template has an option like jobs for you with the job title, job description, and job domains. These features were added to the job business blogger template.
You can able to create different job roles with the job descriptions that were included on the homepage. Please find the analysis links to learn more about this job portal website template.
ScreenShots for Desktop and Mobile View
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Analysis for Jobs Business Blogger Template
6. One Job Blogger template
OneJob Blogger template looks like a single page or a single person job information like a resume. If you are a student or job seeker this job blogger template will be used as a resume as well as to get more clicks through search engines and job portal websites.
Some of the useful sections for this job template were the About Me section, the Job Role with Description section, the Recent Work section, and finally client section.
At the end of the page, you can enter the contact information. A contact form is available. Some of the icons such as Skype, Benhance, and other social icons present at footer.
ScreenShots for Desktop and Mobile View
Analysis of the OneJob Blogger Template
7. Piki True Job Blogger template
Piki True Job it's a true job portal template with a 100% SEO job blogger template. Why because this template has so many features that are eye-opening for job portal template seekers. This contains marquee section at the top of the homepage which looks interactive to the job template.
And a section called popular hot posts, where present below the marquee text. It will update automatically by scrolling up and down. This looks good when a visitor sees this section.
And you can able to categorize different jobs like Arts Passed Jobs, Electrical Jobs, Civil Jobs, Mechanical Jobs, Engineering Jobs, and Other Degree Holder Jobs.
And if you can able to modify the highlighter posts present on the homepage. Jobs are classified into different domains so they are categorized as tables that give unique styles and also “New” highlighter present on the new posts.
Analysis for Piki True Job Blogger Template
8. Jobiki Blogger template
The Jobiki Blogger template layout is the same as the piki try job blogger template. But, In the Jobiki template the section was updated with some latest table designs/layouts. And there is a new section present on the top called “Breaking Posts”.
You can able to change Light theme template into dark theme template and viceversa.
Some sections present such as Categories, Hot Posters, and different types of posts with particular job domains. And Recent Posts, Weekly Updates, News Announcements, and Labels Sections, with Adsense codes.
At footer the Random, Recent and Popular Posts available with pages and social icons.
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Analysis for Jobiki Blogger Template
9. PKM Jobs Blogger template
PKM Jobs Blogger template is a SimpleUI template and has the table feature of job postings. There are six tables present on the home page with different job roles. And at every page top the homepage has a table contains New Updates which is the recent posts.
Next to the new update, you have the highlighter posts which contain the Railway Recruitment Boards Jobs, State Bank of India, and so on.
Some of the other features were best performance, accessibility, practices and SEO friendly with simple UI looking.
Analysis for PKM Jobs Blogger Template
10. Sarkari Blogger template
This blogger template is the Paid Blogger template. But, it is full of worth for the job niche workers. Why Because, it has the full and full mobile-friendly version as well as desktop view.
Compared with other job blogger template page speed Insights scores, this Sarkari blogger template brings 100% best performance as well as other diagnose performance.
It contains the table layout design for this blogger template. They included the lists inside each table. It has the format has two tables and then one table followed by the two and one table. It looks like a Unique and fast-loading job portal blogger template.
In the main page of the Sarkari Result template, you can able to add your blog information like About, Details, Career Options, and So on.
ScreenShots for Desktop and Mobile View
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Analysis for Sarkari Blogger Template
11. Best result Blogger template
This blogger template looks simple with decent look for the visitors. Like the other blog template, it contains the Highlighter and other table layout design at the homepage. And other features like social icons, categories bars, Tags bars and so on.
When comes to a job blog post it looks simple UI and fast loading web page. Please refer the below analysis link to know more about the best result blogger template.
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Analysis for Best Result Blogger Template
12. Textrim Blogger template
This blogger template has a modern design with updated designs and layout. And at the homepage, you customize your Infeed ads as well as display ads with respective sizes.
At the bottom, you set up your profile with the respective location and blog link. And features such as Label list, Label cloud, Popular posts and social icons were available.
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Analysis of Textrim Blogger Template
How to choose the best job template for your blogger?
If you are confused to choose the right template for your job template for your blogger, let me share with you some tips to choose the best one among these top 12 job templates for your blogger.
Steps to follow to choose the best job template for your Blogger:
Check the Website speed for the mobile as well the desktop. But, the first priority comes for the Mobile Version.
Check the Performances, SEO for both version through the analysis table.
Check the AMP(Accelerated Mobile Pages) on the online.
Now, compare all those and click the best performance with 100% SEO and Fast-loading pages.
Tips for optimizing your Job Blog Easily
We have included comprehensive web documentation for all job templates. By reviewing this documentation, you'll find it easy to optimize your job blog.
Additionally, we provide video tutorials. Referring to both the web and video documentation will help you customize and enhance your job blog effortlessly.
Now, We’ll come a conclusion about these top and best 12 job templates for Blogspot domain. We’ve discussed the various job portal blogger templates with the features, sections, layouts, and designs as well as the view of Mobile and Desktop.
So, In these Job Portal templates which template are you going to take away? And what is the reason let share in the comment section. I’m eager to get know the things.
Thanks for reading !